Keeping and Leaving

The days are short and we are inching closer and closer to the tipping point. The darkest time of year, and the time when the light starts coming back. The time where we touch  an end and a beginning. A time where we take a close look at what we are going to leave behind and what we are taking forward with us. It is traditional to imagine that we will leave all our baggage and take our lessons with us, but actually, I have found that to rarely be reality. 

Most of the time when we go to step off that void into a new unknown, we are leaving behind some dreams and relationships, however tangled they may be that we had love and really good intentions for. And what we take with us for the time being, are imperfect wounded hearts that probably won't be able to learn the lessons they need to heal without time and space. 

That is the nature of it. You can't plan for every move. If we knew what we needed to get somewhere, we would already be there. We take what we have. It probably isn't enough, so we'll have to find the rest along the way. 



Breathing In...


"Sleeping In" Is A Creative Act